Nude: A body connected with freedom, inner strength and confidence. Body without clothes.
Naked: A body associated with shame, unwanted exposure and vulnerability. Body without clothes.Nude, naked, covered…
Titsiros?A body creates nude, naked and covered images. The body moves in silence, slowly and calm.
Nude the Tree is a performance about the nude body in relation to the naked one.
Creation-Performance: Petros Konnaris
Mentoring in verbal communication of choreographic research and creation: Christos Polymenakos
Promotion: The Write Formula/Peggy Spineli
Nude the tree’s research began and developed during the residency programs at Lefkosia Dance House in April 2014 and Dance House Limassol’s program AUG-SEP 2014.
Premiere: 09th of March 2015
Here is a link to Yiorgos Savvinides’ critic on Nude the Tree at Philelepheros newspaper on the 5th of April 2015(in Greek).