Nude: A body connected with freedom, inner strength and confidence. Body without clothes.
Naked: A body associated with shame, unwanted exposure and vulnerability. Body without clothes.

Nude, naked, covered…

A body creates nude, naked and covered images. The body moves in silence, slowly and calm.
Nude the Tree is a performance about the nude body in relation to the naked one.


Creation-Performance: Petros Konnaris
Mentoring in verbal communication of choreographic research and creation: Christos Polymenakos
Promotion: The Write Formula/Peggy Spineli

Nude the tree’s research began and developed during the residency programs at Lefkosia Dance House in April 2014 and Dance House Limassol’s program AUG-SEP 2014.

Premiere: 09th of March 2015

Here is a link to Yiorgos Savvinides’ critic on Nude the Tree at Philelepheros newspaper on the 5th of April 2015(in Greek).